Legal information

Privacy Policy

Hereby Privacy Policy , the data controller, as defined below, provides users and visitors to the website ("Site") all information on the purposes for which it collects and processes their personal data, the categories of personal data being processed, the rights that are recognized to users and visitors of the Site pursuant to Regulation (EU) n. 679/2016 (so-called "GDPR") and the national legislation on the matter data protection (collectively " Privacy Law "), and how the user and visitor of the Site can exercise these rights.

The present Privacy Policy has the purpose of allowing users and visitors of the Site to give - in a conscious manner - consent to the processing of their personal data, where this is necessary on the basis of the so-called Privacy ”.

This document can be printed using the print command found in the settings of any browsers .

  1. Data Controller .

Punto Caffè di Tagliente Rosa (03126940737), in the person of its owner, current in Massafra (TA), at Via Guglielmo Marconi n. 50 (Italy – Italy ), is the data controller of user/visitor data, collected through the Site (“ Data Controller ” or “ Punto Caffè ”).

Certified e-mail address (PEC) of the Owner is:

  1. Types of Data collected .

The personal data of users/visitors that the Data Controller collects through the Site include:

  • personal data (name, surname, company name, date of birth, tax code, VAT number);
  • contact details (address e-mail or certified e-mail - PEC, telephone number, physical shipping address and billing address);
  • any responses from users/visitors to the questions provided and any feedback requested by the Site through any forms and/or surveys online (hereinafter " Personal Data ").

The Personal Data listed above are collected by the Site at the time of registration on the Site, for users who register now for the first time on the Site (" User "), or at the time of purchase of one or more of the products offered for sale through the Site, for users not registered on the Site (" Guest ").

Unless otherwise specified on the Site, all Personal Data requested are to be considered mandatory: it is understood that failure to provide Personal Data marked as mandatory prevents registration on the Site or use of the services offered therein, just as failure to provide Personal Data marked as optional does not prevent registration on the Site or use of the services offered therein, but could -in any case- make their use less immediate.

This site also uses the so-called Cookies and/or other tracking tools according to the methods and purposes described in the separate section Cookie Policy (see art. 6).


The User/Guest assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties that he has published or shared through this Site and guarantees that he has the right to communicate or disseminate them, and that he has disclosed this Privacy Policy , freeing the Owner from any liability towards such third parties.

  1. Purposes and Legal Bases of the Processing of Personal Data .

Purpose of the treatment .

The Personal Data of Users/Guests will be processed by the Data Controller according to principles of necessity, data minimisation, lawfulness, correctness, proportionality and transparency for the following purposes:

  1. provide the use of the Site, allow access and registration to the Site, as well as the use of the services offered through the Site, or the purchase of products online and the management of the order and any other service that may be offered in the future through the Site which the User/Guest requests, as well as to improve the Site and the services offered therein;
  2. ensure the User/Guest the assistance service (by contacting the Owner directly), during registration on the Site and/or use of the Site and/or the services offered therein, or to resolve any reports of malfunctions and/or disputes;
  3. fulfill legal obligations, respond to requests from the competent authorities, protect one's rights and interests, identify any malicious or fraudulent activity;
  4. provide to the User/Guest, via the address e-mail indicated when registering on the Site or making a purchase through the Site, commercial information e newsletters relating to products and services similar to those already purchased/requested by the User/Guest;
  5. send the User advertising material and carry out promotional activities, of marketing and/or direct sale of products and/or services sold and/or provided by the Data Controller;
  6. send the User commercial and promotional communications relating to products and/or services of selected third parties, with which the Data Controller possibly maintains legal relations (without in this case there being communication of Personal Data to third parties);
  7. carry out any profiling activity in relation to the User of the Site, i.e. evaluate his preferences, consumption habits and tastes, also by means of an invitation to participate in market research, for the subsequent sending of communications marketing

Legal basis of treatment .

The aforementioned processing purposes (see section "Purposes of processing", letters a - g) are processed by the Data Controller on the following legal bases:

  1. execution of the contract with the User/Guest and legitimate interest of the Owner;
  2. execution of the contract or pre-contractual measures at the request of the User/Guest and legitimate interest of the Owner;
  3. fulfillment of a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject and/or legitimate interest of the Data Controller;
  4. legitimate interest of the Owner, unless opposed by the User/Guest;
  5. express consent of the User/Guest.

With reference to the purpose referred to in the aforementioned point d), the User/Guest may object to the receipt of such communications at any time, by contacting the Owner at the certified electronic mail address (PEC) indicated in art. 1.

The methods of contact aimed at the activities of marketing directly, on behalf of third parties and profiling as in points e), f) and g) above, may be both of an automated and non-automated type (through emails , sms, notifications push , other mass messaging tools, etc...), and of the traditional type (telephone calls with an operator and/or postal items): in any case, however, the User/Guest may revoke their consent, even partially, for example by consenting only to traditional contact methods.

If the User/Guest allows the profiling indicated in point g) above, it will presuppose a possible activity (even automated), in order to place the User/Guest in a category of subjects with homogeneous characteristics (in terms of purchase preferences, product of interest and purchase areas) on the basis of his previous purchase experiences, the market analyzes in which he may have participated, his demographic class and his activities on the Site.

Sites Web and Third Party Applications .

The Site may incorporate and/or - in any case - interact with applications and sites web also of third parties (" Third Party Websites and Applications " ), to make available to Users/Guests some of the ancillary services offered through the Site. The Sites Web and Third Party Applications are governed by their respective terms and conditions of use and privacy policies privacy . The use by Users/Guests of the Sites Web and Third Party Applications will be governed by terms and conditions of use and information on privacy of such third parties, to which reference is made.

  1. Processing methods - Recipients of Personal Data - Place and period of retention of Personal Data .

Methods of treatment .

The Data Controller adopts the appropriate security measures pursuant to art. 32 GDPR, aimed at preventing unauthorized access, disclosure, modification or destruction of the Personal Data of Users/Guests.

The treatment is carried out on paper and/or using IT and/or telematic tools, with organizational methods and with logics strictly related to the purposes indicated in art. 3 above.

Recipients of Personal Data .

The processing of Personal Data of Users/Guests will be entrusted, in the individual operations, to the employees and/or collaborators of the Owner (administrative, commercial, marketing and/or system administrators), duly authorized and appointed.

Any third parties delegated by the Data Controller to process the Personal Data of Users/Guests (e.g. third party technical service providers, postal couriers, hosting providers , IT companies, communication agencies, etc…), will be appointed as Data Processors former art. 28 GDPR. The updated list of Data Processors can always be requested from the Data Controller, by contacting him at the PEC address indicated in the aforementioned article 1.

The Personal Data of Users/Guests may be disseminated and/or transferred outside the European Union.

Place and period of retention of Personal Data .

The Personal Data of Users/Guests will be stored in the server of the Owner, all located in the EU.

The Site may incorporate and/or interact with Sites Web and Third Party Applications, in order to make available the ancillary services offered through the Site. The Sites Web and Third Party Applications are governed by their respective terms and conditions of use and related information on privacy . The use by Users/Guests of Third Party Sites and Applications will therefore be governed by the terms and conditions of use and information on the privacy of such third parties, to which reference is made and which we invite you to read.

The Personal Data of Users/Guests are processed by the Owner and kept for the time necessary for the purposes indicated in art. 3 above. In particular:

  • for the purposes referred to in points a), d), e), f) and g) of the art. 3 above, the Personal Data of Users/Guests will be kept by the Owner (but not used as regards the purposes referred to in the aforementioned art. 3, points d), e), f) and g) in the event of opposition, or in the absence or subsequent revocation of consent) until the User/Guest cancels his account . It is understood that the Data Controller may keep the Personal Data of Users/Guests to defend their rights in relation to disputes existing at the time of the request or on the indication of the Public Authorities. The User can cancel his own account or by sending an express request for cancellation of Personal Data to the Data Controller (see Article 1 above);
  • for the purpose referred to in art. 3, point a) above, the Personal Data of Users/Guests will be kept until the execution of the existing contract or pre-contractual measure is completed. For the purpose referred to in art. 3, point d) above, the Personal Data of Users/Guests will be kept, except in the case of opposition, as long as the legitimate interest of the Owner persists. The Personal Data of the Guest will not be processed - and, therefore, stored - for the purposes referred to in art. 3, points e), f) and g) above;
  • for the purposes referred to in art. 3, point (b) above, the Personal Data of Users/Guests they will be kept for the time strictly necessary to resolve the request for assistance, reporting and/or dispute and to provide Users/Guests with feedback. Even in this case, however, it is understood that the Data Controller may keep the Personal Data, within the limits of the law, to defend their rights in relation to existing disputes or on the indication of the Public Authorities;
  • for the purpose referred to in art. 3, point c) above, the Personal Data of Users/Guests they will be kept by the Data Controller as long as the need for processing persists to fulfill said legal obligations.


At the end of the retention period, the Personal Data will be deleted: at the end of this term, the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to the portability of Personal Data can no longer be exercised.

  1. Rights of the User/Guest .

Users/Guests can exercise certain rights with reference to the Personal Data processed by the Owner. In particular, the User/Guest has the right to:

  • obtain information in relation to the purposes for which your Personal Data are processed, the period of processing and the subjects to whom the Personal Data are communicated (so-called right of access);
  • obtain the rectification or integration of inaccurate Personal Data concerning him (so-called right of rectification);
  • obtain the cancellation of Personal Data concerning him in the following cases:
  1. the Personal Data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;
  2. has revoked his consent to the processing of Personal Data, if they are processed on the basis of his consent;
  3. has opposed the processing of Personal Data concerning him, in the event that they are processed for a legitimate interest of the Data Controller;
  4. the processing of your Personal Data does not comply with the law (so-called right of cancellation): the retention of Personal Data by the Data Controller is lawful if it is necessary to allow him to fulfill a legal obligation or to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court;
  • obtain that the Personal Data concerning him are only stored without any other use being made of them in the event that:
  1. should contest the accuracy of your Personal Data, for the period necessary to allow the accuracy of such Personal Data to be verified;
  2. the processing is unlawful, but you still oppose the cancellation of your Personal Data by the Data Controller;
  3. the Personal Data are necessary for him to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court;
  4. has opposed the processing and is awaiting verification of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller with respect to those of the interested party (so-called right of limitation);
  • receive the Personal Data concerning him in a commonly used format, readable by an automatic and interoperable device (so-called portability right).
  • obtain the cessation of processing in cases where your Data is processed for the purpose of commercial communications/newsletters relating to products or services identical to those already purchased/provided by the Data Controller (so-called right of opposition);
  • withdraw your consent to the processing of Personal Data at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before the withdrawal.

How to exercise your rights .

To exercise the rights listed above, Users/Guests can direct a request to the contact details of the Owner indicated in the aforementioned article 1: requests are filed free of charge and processed by the Owner in the shortest possible time. The User/Guest has the right to contact the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, with registered office in Piazza di Monte Citorio, 121 - 00186 Rome (ROME), to assert his rights in relation to the processing of his Personal Data by the Owner.

  1. Cookie Policy .

This site Web makes use of Cookies and other tracking tools, for which the User/Guest can consult the relative Cookie Policy .

  1. Changes of Privacy Policy .

Without prejudice to the fact that the Data Controller in any case does not proceed with processing operations other than those expressly authorized and/or requested by the Users/Guests, this Privacy Policy it may be subject to modifications to comply with new legal provisions, with the changed personal data processing policies by the Data Controller and/or following the modification of the characteristics of the Site and/or the services offered therein. Any updated version of this Privacy Policy will be made available on the Website in the dedicated section.

The Owner therefore invites Users/Guests to periodically consult the Privacy Policy published on the Site to always be informed of the latest published version.


Cookie Policy

This information extended to the use of Cookies (“ Cookie Policy ”) is intended to illustrate the types and categories of cookies , the purposes and methods of use of cookies by Punto Caffè di Tagliente Rosa (03126940737), in the person of its owner, current in Massafra (TA), at Via Guglielmo Marconi n. 50 ("Punto Caffé" or "Owner"), as well as to provide information to Users/Guests about the actions to refuse or eliminate cookies present on the site web (“Site”). The present Cookie Policy forms an integral part of Privacy Policy of the Site.

The User/Guest may exercise the rights provided for by the GDPR and related implementing legislation, by writing to , while to change the settings on cookies you can proceed by following the instructions in this one Cookie Policy .


THE cookies consist of portions of code ( files computer or partial data), sent by a server to the internet browsers of the User/Guest, from said browsers automatically stored on the User/Guest's device and automatically sent back to server at each occurrence or subsequent access to the site. Usually a cookies contains the site name Internet , whence the cookies itself comes from and the duration of the cookies (i.e. how long it will remain on the User/Guest's device). At each subsequent visit i cookies are sent back to the site that originated them ( cookie first party) or to another site that recognizes them ( cookies third party): i cookies first part are, in essence, i cookies set up and/or managed by the Site Owner, while those of third parties are i cookies set by a domain other than the one visited by the User/Guest. THE cookies allow a site web to recognize the User/Guest's device and have various purposes such as, for example, allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your favorite sites and, in general, improving the browsing experience. They also help ensure that advertising content is displayed online are more targeted to a User/Guest and his interests.

In relation to third-party cookies, Punto Caffé has no control over the information provided by cookies and has no access to that data. This information is fully controlled by the third party companies as described in their respective privacy And cookie policy .

  2. Types of cookies .

Detailed information about the categories is given below cookies that can be used on the Site.

  1. Cookies strictly necessary (or technical) : they are essential for the correct functioning of the Site, so that the User/Guest can view it correctly and use the relative functions and characteristics (they allow, for example, the memorization of previous actions or allow the User/Guest session to be saved and/or to carry out other activities strictly necessary for the functioning of the Site). For installing such cookies Not the prior consent of the User/ Guest is required and cannot be disabled through the interface available on the Site;


  1. Cookies functional : i cookies functions, including from third parties, allow the Site to remember the choices of the User/Guest (such as the language set), to provide the latter with more personalized and optimized navigation. Not they are indispensable for the functioning of the Site, but they improve its quality and browsing experience. If you don't accept these cookies , the performance and functionality of the Site may be lower and access to the contents of the Site may be limited. The User/Guest may disable i cookies the appropriate commands are functional.
  2. Cookies performance (or analytical ): i cookies analytics, also from third parties, allow the analysis and measurement of Site traffic and help to understand how Users/Guests interact with the Site, providing information relating to the last page viewed, the number of sections and pages visited, the time spent on the Site and any events that emerge during navigation, facilitating the understanding of any difficulties encountered by the User/Guest in using the Site. This information could be associated with other details of the User/Guest such as the so-called IP address, domain or browsers . They are analysed Together to information of other Users/Guests, in order to Not identify a particular User/Guest with respect to the other. These cookies they are collected and aggregated anonymously and allow you to improve the performance of the Site. Pursuant to the applicable legislation, for the installation of cookies analysis, the prior consent of the User/Guest is not required to the extent that they do not allow the direct identification of the User/Guest (for example, for those of third parties, by masking appropriate portions of the IP address within the cookies ). The User/Guest can disable their use at any time using the appropriate commands;
  3. Cookies for targeted advertising (or profiling): they are used to collect data on the device (including its characteristics and location) and on the activities of the browsers of the User/Guest to analyze his interests (e.g., visits to the Site, demographic data, location), in order to show advertising and personalized content on the Site or elsewhere (including the creation of personalized content profiles), to measure the effectiveness of advertising campaigns on the Site and/or limit the number of times the User/Guest views a given advertisement, and for the prevention of fraud and errors and to allow the connection of different devices. Such cookies can be issued by the Owner, by his partner advertisers and/or by others partner and do not store personal information directly, but are based solely on the identification of browsers and of the device Internet of the User/Guest. The User/Guest can change their preferences at any time or revoke their consent with the appropriate commands. If the User/Guest, however, does not accept the use of cookies profiling or subsequently revoke the consent to their use, some solutions of the Site may not work properly and the User/Guest will continue to view advertising on the Site, but not based on their interests.
  4. Cookies third-party: they are set up by third-party companies, in order to allow content sharing and interaction with i social networks or with other external platforms, directly from the pages of the Site and are able to monitor the browsers of the User/Guest on other sites and to create a profile of his interests. This may impact the content and messages you see on other sites you visit. If you don't accept these cookies , it is not possible to use or view these sharing tools and for the installation of such cookies the prior consent of the User/Guest is required, who may choose to disable them cookies at any time using the commands provided for this purpose.
  5. Storage time of cookies .

Cookies may expire at the end of a session browsers (the period between opening a window of the browsers by the User/Guest and its closure), or they can be kept for a longer period of time: i cookies “session”, in fact, are those that allow sites web to connect the actions of a User/Guest during a single browsing session and are canceled when the User/Guest ends the session of the browser , while i cookies "persistent" are stored on the device of a User/Guest over individual browsing sessions, for variable periods of time, and allow the preferences or actions of the User/Guest to be memorized with respect to a particular site web . Through i cookies persistent, in fact, Users/Guests who access the Site (or any other Users/Guests who use the same computer ) are automatically recognized at each visit.

  2. Settings on the Site : i cookies technicians are essential for the functioning of the Site and, as such, are set by default without the possibility for the User/Guest to disable its use. As for i cookies or the other tracking tools other than the technical ones set by default , the User/Guest can express his consent to the use of the same by clicking on the " ACCEPT" button, or refuse such use with the " DECLINE " button. The options to restrict or block the different types of cookies can be configured by the User/Guest at the following link by clicking on the " REVOKE CONSENT " item.
  3. Video settings browser : the User/Guest can configure the operating modes, as well as the options to limit or block the cookie , directly modifying the settings of your own internet browsers . Most of them are initially set up to accept cookies automatically, so the User/Guest can change these settings to block the cookies and/or to be warned whenever cookies are sent to your device. There are several ways to manage the cookies through browsers and -to this end- it is necessary to refer to the instruction manual or to the help screen of your device browser , to check how to configure or change the settings of the same. In fact, the User/Guest is enabled to modify the default configuration and disable the cookies (i.e. block them permanently on any site Internet ), setting the security level to the highest. If the User/Guest uses different devices to view and access the Site (for example, computers , smartphones , tablet , etc.), however, must ensure that each browsers on each device is configured to reflect your preferences regarding the cookies .
  4. Device settings : many operating systems allow you to limit the tracking of advertising content associated with the User/Guest's device ID: it is, therefore, possible to change these settings directly from your device. For further information, it is possible to consult the user manual of the operating system installed on the device and/or the relative assistance pages.
  5. Cookies from third parties: Shopify, Shopify Payments, Meta, Google. If the User/Guest does not wish to receive cookies of third parties on your device will also be able to access the information and consent forms of these third parties and exclude their receipt.


General conditions of Sale

  1. PURPOSE .

These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter "General Conditions") regulate the sale to final consumers (hereinafter "Customers") of the products marketed by Punto Caffè di Tagliente Rosa (03126940737), in the person of its owner, current in Massafra (TA), at Via Guglielmo Marconi n. 50 (Italy – Italy ) (hereinafter "Punto Caffè") through the website Internet . For the purposes of these General Conditions, the term final consumer means any natural or legal person who acts for purposes strangers to any entrepreneurial, commercial, craft or professional activity carried out.


The information and details contained in the e-commerce Of they simply constitute an invitation to Customers to complete orders by sending the order form -in electronic format- which the Customer must complete and confirm in the order summary screen. If the Customer intends to receive the invoice, he must declare it and/or select the appropriate option when ordering. The Customer can indicate a shipping location other than the one shown when filling in his/her personal data and can - independently - enter new addresses, modify or cancel them. Upon order confirmation, a summary page is displayed and a e-mail confirmation of receipt of the order. By sending the order form, the Customer accepts that any purchase contract will be governed by these General Conditions. All orders are, therefore, subject to acceptance by Punto Caffé, which reserves the right not to proceed with any order proposal, if:

  1. the data provided by the Customer when completing the order form are incomplete or incorrect;
  2. the Customer does not qualify as a final consumer or does not meet the requirements to implement the payment conditions;
  3. the Products ordered are not available: Punto Caffè cannot be held responsible for variations in the availability of some Products. If only part of the Products ordered are not available and there are no other causes that may legitimize the non-acceptance of the order proposal, Punto Caffè will be able to proceed with the order proposal limited to the available Products;
  4. destination of the Products located outside the predefined shipping territories.


In the cases indicated above, Punto Caffè will inform the Customer by e-mail or by telephone that the order cannot be accepted (in whole or in part) specifying the reasons and, therefore, the contract cannot - possibly - be understood as concluded: in this case, Punto Caffè will proceed with a refund to the Customer of the sums already paid by the latter. In the event of a refund, Punto Caffè will only use the same payment method used by the Customer to finalize the order.

The purchase contract between the Customer and Punto Caffè will only be concluded when the Customer's order is accepted by Punto Caffè: in this case the latter will send the Customer, to the e-mail address provided by the latter during registration, the confirmation that the order is being executed.


The selling prices of the Products, shipping costs and payment methods are those shown on the Site and are expressed in Euros: the selling prices of the Products include VAT, but do not include shipping costs, which will be added to the total amount due.

Punto Caffè reserves the right to change the prices shown on the Site at any time: in that case the price change will not apply to products subject to orders already confirmed and paid for by the customer, while in no case will Punto Caffè Borbone be held responsible for any price changes.

The Customer undertakes to pay the price of the Products purchased in the following ways:

    1. Credit card online : they are managed directly by server secure third-party companies, which guarantee the security of transactions on-line : for this reason Punto Caffè is not aware of the data relating to the customer's credit card. Once the order has been received, Punto Caffè will make a pre-authorization request on the Customer's credit card, to ensure that the latter has sufficient funds to complete the transaction. Credit cards will be subject to verifications and authorizations by the institution issuing them. Punto Caffè in any case Not will be responsible for any lack of authorization by the entity in question and, once the contract has been concluded pursuant to the above art. 2, the charge on the credit card will be definitive;
    2. Advance bank transfer;
    3. PayPal .


The Products will be delivered on the basis of the times and in the manner indicated in the delivery service chosen by the Customer from the options listed on the Site. Transport costs are charged to the Customer, and may vary according to the products contained in the order. However, in the event of an order exceeding € 39.90, shipping is free for the Customer (in case of choosing standard shipping), while for orders above € 69.90 (if choosing express shipping). Once the shipment has been shipped, Punto Caffè will send the Customer a shipment notice e-mail with instructions on how to track and follow the shipment.


Standard Shipping: 2/4 working days €3.90

Express Shipping: 1/2 working days €4.90


BR extension

Italian post

SDA extension

TNT extension



Free shipping for orders over € 49.90, shipping is free for the customer (in case of choosing standard shipping ), while for orders over € 79.90 (in case of choosing express shipping).


Standard Shipping: 2/4 working days €4.90

Express Shipping: 1/2 working days €6.90


BR extension

Italian post

SDA extension

TNT extension



Shipments to countries belonging to the European Community do not have free solutions and are calculated directly at check-out by varying the size and weight of the selected products.



5.1. Right of withdrawal.

The Customer has the right to withdraw without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within the term of 14 (fourteen) working days starting from the day of receipt of the Products purchased on the basis of these General Conditions (hereinafter "Term of Law"): this intention must be communicated to Punto Caffè by certified e-mail (PEC) to the contact present and indicated in the Privacy Policy .

Once the right of withdrawal by law has been exercised, Punto Caffè will organize the return of the Products via PEC or by telephone with the Customer within a further 14 (fourteen) days from the moment in which the Customer has exercised the right of withdrawal. The return costs are charged to the customer.

An essential condition for obtaining a refund is that the integrity of the Products to be returned is preserved: the Products must not have been used and Punto Caffè reserves the right to evaluate the return on a case-by-case basis, based on the consumption made by the Customer.

The Products must be returned using the same shipping packaging.

If the withdrawal has been exercised within the term of the law and under the conditions established in this article and the investigations on the returned Products as a result of the withdrawal have been concluded positively, Punto Caffè will send the Customer, via e-mail, the relative confirmation of acceptance of the returned Products and - consequently - Punto Caffè will issue a refund of the sums paid by the Customer for the purchase, reduced by the costs of the original shipment of the goods to the Customer.

Whatever the method of payment used by the Customer, Punto Caffè will make the refund at the latest within a further 14 (fourteen) days from the date on which it has communicated to the Customer the confirmation of acceptance of the returned Products.

5.2. Exchange of goods.

In addition to the right of withdrawal by law pursuant to art. 5.1. above, Punto Caffè will grant an additional period of 16 days to exercise the right to exchange goods: the Customer may request the exchange of goods starting from the fifteenth day of receipt of the Products until the thirtieth day of receipt of the Products.

The right to exchange goods can be exercised by the Customer using the same methods indicated for the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 5.1, lett. b) and c) above.


The Products sold on the Site are branded products of 15zero5, Borbone, Caffitaly and other brands legitimately available to Punto Caffè: the characteristics of each Product are shown on the Site within each product sheet, however the colors of the same may not correspond to the real ones due to the browsers Internet and/or the quality of monitors used for display.


As for the obligations relating to the collection, processing, of the Customer's personal data and the related purposes, as well as the so-called cookies reference is made to the specific information contained in the Site.